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Research and Development

Zirconia Implants

Zirconia implants cater to those patients who have a thin gingiva biotype (specifically in the anterior region) and those who prefer a non-metal implant.  Patients who request metal-free implants are increasing everyday and the zirconia implant allows clinicians to meet those patients’ demands.

Two piece zirconia implants contain enough flexural strength to tolerate chewing, grinding and clenching. Risk for the development of peri-implantitis is significantly reduced when two piece zirconia implants are used because of their plaque-resistant surface. This beneficial quality of the implants also aids in overall oral health. Due to their ability to resist water retention, the two piece zirconia implants are able to prevent premature aging of the material.

One piece zirconia implants are designated for immediate loading. Surgical procedures involving one piece implants are less time consuming and less expensive. The sizes and designs of one piece implants vary according to bone types and measurements; some of which avoid sinus lifts and bone augmentation. One piece implants also eliminate the issue of abutment screws loosening, as the implant and the abutment are fused together.
